Anxiety and Benzo Addiction Treatment Program

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girl sitting on couch at anxiety and benzo treatment programIf you have been taking benzo for anxiety, you may have developed a dependency on the drug. If so, you are at risk of long-term addiction and health issues. An anxiety and benzo addiction treatment program can help you get off of benzodiazepine for good and recover from your addiction. Five Palms can help you recover from your addiction through our anxiety and benzo treatment program in Tampa, FL.

We offer both detox and rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. You can get clean in detox and then continue your treatment through our substance abuse treatment program. We also offer extensive counseling, group therapy, and cognitive therapy.

What is Benzo and Why is It Addictive?

Benzodiazepines are prescription medications that doctors prescribe for a variety of mental health conditions. Some of the most common benzo products that we provide addiction treatment for include:

  • Xanax
  • Ambien
  • Klonopin
  • Lunesta
  • Valium

Benzodiazepines are addictive because they help patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, or panic attacks. Benzos release neurotransmitters such as dopamine or serotonin that create a pleasurable feeling in the brain. Once you feel a pleasurable sensation, you want to continue that feeling.

Like any other substance, your body develops a tolerance to benzos, and they lose their psychological impact. You have to increase the dosage to maintain your desired feeling. Eventually, your brain becomes dependent on the drug. Once you are addicted, it is difficult to stop taking benzodiazepines. An anxiety and benzo treatment program in FL can give you the care you need to recover from your addiction.

Why You Should Consider Getting Off of Benzos

Most people who have been on benzos medication have no idea they are addicted. You know you have a dependency on these drugs if you cannot function without them. You may have tried to get off of them only to discover withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms make it hard for you to get clean because they are painful or cause discomfort. Some of the physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms of benzodiazepine abuse include:

  • Weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Poor judgment or thinking
  • Doctor shopping
  • Asking friends, family, colleagues, and/or classmates for their benzodiazepine pills
  • Wanting to cut back on the volume of abuse but not being able to do so
  • Mood changes
  • Risk-taking behaviors, such as driving after abusing benzodiazepines
  • Combining benzodiazepines with alcohol or other drugs

However, the longer you stay on benzos, the higher your risk of suffering from psychiatric and physical problems. Benzo addiction can lead to anxiety, depression, stomach problems, heart problems, and other issues. Five Palms helps you cope with your mental disorders by providing healthier treatment and holistic remedies.

When you have the support of professionals who genuinely care about your well-being, you can overcome your addiction and lead a happier, healthier life. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Treatment for Benzo Addiction

If you are addicted to benzos, Five Palms can help you get off the drug and get clean. Our anxiety and benzo treatment program offers a wide range of evidence-based and holistic treatments such as:

We also offer residential treatment, individual therapy, group therapy, and dual diagnosis treatment. Once you get through detox, we can help you develop a treatment plan that addresses both your addiction and any mental health issues you may be dealing with.

Our anxiety and benzo treatment program can help you find a path that leads to long-term recovery. Our therapists are dedicated to providing quality care that includes nutrition, physical fitness, mental health solutions, healing relationships, and complete wellness.

Start Your Treatment Today at Five Palms

If you are ready to start your treatment for anxiety and addiction, then the first step is to contact Five Palms. Our anxiety and benzo addiction treatment program can help you get a fresh start in life free of addiction. To find out more or schedule detox, call us at 1.844.675.1022.

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